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26 2019.12




姓名: 聂立孝

性别: 男


民族: 汉

学位: 博士

职称: 教授












2005.01—2007.07:国际水稻研究所 博士论文研究联合培养

1995.09—1999.09:河南科技学院 学士


2019.04--今:海南大学热带作物学院 教授

2017.01—2019.03:华中农业大学 教授

2011.01—2016.12:华中农业大学 副教授


2008.07—2010.12:华中农业大学 讲师


1、国家自然科学基金面上项目,31971840,提高直播再生稻再生力的源库调节机制研究, 2020-01-01至2023-12-31,58万,在研,主持;


3、国家重点研发计划子课题,2018YFD0301303,鄂东南双季稻周年规模机械化栽培技术集成与示范, 2018-09-01至2020-08-31,68万,在研,主持;

4、国家自然科学基金面上项目,31371571,种子引发处理对旱直播水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响及其机理研究, 2014-01-01至2017-12-31,85万,已结题,主持。


(一) 论文

1、Wang W, He A, Jiang G, Sun H, Jiang M, Man J, Cui K., andNie L*. 2020. Ratoon Rice Technology: A Green and Resource-Efficient Way for Rice Production. Advances in Agronomy, Agron165(Accepted on July 30th 2019).(IF5年平均: 5.717, JCR一区)

2、Liu H, Zhan J, Hussain S, andNie L*. 2019.Grain Yield and Resource Use Efficiencies of Upland and Lowland Rice Cultivars under Aerobic Cultivation. Agronomy, 9(10), 591.

3、He A, Wang W, Jiang G, Sun H, Jiang M, Man J, Cui K., Huang J, Peng S, and Nie L*. 2019. Source-sink regulation and its effects on the regeneration ability of ratoon rice. Field Crops Research, 236: 155-164.(IF5年平均:4.683, JCR一区)

4、Chen Q, He A, Wang W, Peng S, Huang J, Cui K, andNie L*. 2018.Comparisons of regeneration rate and yields performance between inbred and hybrid rice cultivars in a direct seeding rice-ratoon rice system in central China. Field Crops Research, 223: 164-170.(IF5年平均:4.683, JCR一区)

5、Dong HL, Chen Q, Wang WQ, Peng SB, Huang JL, Cui KH, andNie L*. 2017. The growth and yield of a wet-seeded rice-ratoon rice system in central China. Field Crops Research, 208:55-59.(IF5年平均:4.683, JCR一区)

6、 Tao Y, Chen Q,Peng S, Wang W, andNie L*. 2016. Lower global warming potential and higher yield of wet direct-seeded rice in Central China. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 36:24.(IF5年平均: 6.154, JCR一区)

7、 Liu H, Hussain S, Zheng M, Peng S, Huang J, Cui K, andNie L*. 2015. Dry direct-seeded rice as an alternative to transplanted-flooded rice in Central China. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 35:285-294.(IF5年平均: 6.154, JCR一区)

8、 Wang WQ, Peng SB, Liu HY, Tao Y, Huang JL, Cu KH, andNie L*. 2017. The possibility of replacing puddled transplanted flooded rice with dry seeded rice in central China: A review. Field Crops Research, 214: 310-320.(IF5年平均: 4.683, JCR一区)

9、 Sun L, Hussain S, Liu H, Peng S, Huang J, Cui K, andNie L*. 2015. Implications of low sowing rate for hybrid rice varieties under dry direct-seeded rice system in Central China. Field Crops Research, 175:87-95.(IF5年平均:4.683, JCR一区)

10、Liu H, Hussain S, Peng S, Huang J, Cui K, andNie L*. 2014. Potentially toxic elements concentration in milled rice differ among various planting patterns. Field Crops Research, 168:19-26.(IF5年平均:4.683, JCR一区)

11、Wang W, He A, Peng S, Huang J, Cui K andNie L*. 2018. The Effect of Storage Condition and Duration on the Deterioration of Primed Rice Seeds. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:172.(IF5年平均:4.855, JCR二区)

12、Hussain S, Khan F, Hussain H,Nie L*. 2016. Physiological and biochemical mechanisms of seed priming-induced chilling tolerance in rice cultivars. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:116.(IF5年平均:4.855, JCR二区)

13、Hussain S#, Yin H#, Peng S, Khan F, Sameeullah M, Hussain H, Huang J, Cui K,Nie L*. 2016. Comparative Transcriptional Profiling of Primed and Non-Primed Rice Seedlings under Submergence Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1125.(IF5年平均: 4.855, JCR二区)

14、Jiang Q, Wang W, Chen Q, Peng S, Huang J,Cui K,Nie L*. 2016. Response of first flood irrigation timing after rice dry-direct-seeding: Productivity and greenhouse gas emissions in Central China. Agricultural Water Management, 177:241-247.(IF5年平均:3.834, JCR二区)

15、Mei JH, Wang WQ, Peng SB,Nie L*. 2017. Seed pelleting with calcium peroxide improves crop establishment of direct-seeded rice under waterlogging conditions. Scientific Reports, 7:4878.(IF5年平均:4.525, JCR三区)

16、Wang W, Chen Q, Hussain S,Mei J,Dong H,Peng S,Huang J,Cui K,Nie L*. 2016.Pre-sowing Seed Treatments in Direct-seeded Early Rice: Consequences for Emergence, Seedling Growth and Associated Metabolic Events under Chilling Stress.Scientific Reports, 6: 19637.(IF5年平均: 4.525, JCR三区)

17、Hussain S#, Zheng M#, Khan F, Khaliq A, Fahad S, Peng S, Huang J, Cui K,Nie L*. 2015. Benefits of rice seed priming are offset permanently by prolonged storage and the storage conditions. Scientific Reports, 5: 8101.(IF5年平均:4.525, JCR三区)

18、Liu H and Nie L*. 2018. Correlation of Leaf and Root Senescence during Ripening in Dry seeded and Transplanted Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Rice Science, 25:279-285.(IF2018年: 2.370)

19、Zheng M, Hussain S, Tao Y, Jiang Q, Peng S, Huang J, Cui K, andNie L*. 2016. Seed Priming in Dry Direct-seeded Rice: Consequences for Emergence, Seedling Growth and Associated Metabolic Events under Drought Stress. Plant Growth Regulation, 78: 167-178.(IF5年平均:2.758, JCR三区)

20、Hussain S, Peng S, Fahad S, Khaliq A, Huang J, Cui K andNie L*. 2015. Rice management interventions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions: A review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22:3342-3360.(IF5年平均:3.208, JCR三区)

21、Wang W, Peng S, Chen Q, Mei J, Dong H, andNie L*. 2016. Effects of pre-sowing seed treatments on establishment of dry direct seeded early rice under chilling stress. AoB PLANTS, 8: plw074.(IF5年平均:2.849, JCR三区)


1、 聂立孝,彭少兵,黄见良,崔克辉.一种旱直播水稻高产高效栽培技术. ZL 201310409890.7

2、 聂立孝,王慰亲,刘宏岩,陶冶.一种提高旱直播水稻渍水胁迫下发芽率的种子处理方法. ZL 201510027475.4

3、 聂立孝,梅俊豪.一种促进湿直播水稻淹水条件下一播全苗的种子丸粒化方法. ZL 201610060639.8

4、 聂立孝,王慰亲.一种提高直播早稻低温胁迫下出苗率的种子处理方法. ZL 201610013766.2

5、 聂立孝,彭少兵,黄见良,崔克辉.一种两收全程机械化水稻栽培的方法. ZL 201310521643.6


1、 研究生国家奖学金获得者:5人(孙黎明、陶冶、王慰亲、梅俊豪、陈乾)

2、 2013年指导刘杰同学获得湖北省优秀学士学位论文











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