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    日期:2020年11月16日 21:10  点击:






1. Wang, H. *; Hagemann, A.; Reitan, K. I.; Ejlertsson, J.; Wollan, H.;……; Potential of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor fed on aquaculture and biogas side streams as an aquaculture food source, Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 2019.11.

2. Wang, H. *; Seekamp, I.; Malzahn, A.; Hagemann, A.; Carvajal, A. K.,……; Growth and nutritional composition of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) cultivated on waste from land-based salmon smolt aquaculture, Aquaculture, 2019.01.

3. Wang, H. *; Hagemann, A.; Reitan, K. I.; Aleksander H.; ...... Malzahn, A.; Embryonic and larval development in the semelparous Nereid polychaete Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) in Norway: challenges and perspectives, Aquaculture research, 2020. 06.

4. Wang, H.; Wang, G.; Fang, J.; Jiang, Z.; …… Fang, J.*; Acute sulphide toxicity in Perinereis aibuhitensis under different salinities and temperatures: LC50 and antioxidant responses, Aquatic Biology, 2017.06.

5. Wang, H.; Ge, C. *; Mao, Y.*; Huang, Y.; Sui, H.; Effect of Hybrid Abalone, Haliotis discus hannai× Haliotis discus discus, Cultivation on the Carbon Cycle: Carbon Source/Sink, Journal of the World Aquaculture, 2016.07.

6. Ge, C.*; Chai, Y.; Wang, H.; & Kan, M; Ocean acidification: One potential driver of phosphorus eutrophication, Marine pollution bulletin, 2017.02.

7. Ge, C.*; Wang, H.; Kan, M.; Chai, Y; Carbon sequestration within silica bodies extracted from kelp cultured in the East China Sea, Silicon, 2017.

8. Chai, Y.; Wang, H.; Ge, C*; Maintenance mechanism of Enteromorpha prolifera green tide: From perspective of nutrients utilization, Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences; 2020.02






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